Kimo Lange is my pseudonym as a writer and is used to minimize spamming attempts and paparazzi.
Traveling has been part of my life since I flew on a plane when only 2 weeks old. No, I don’t remember much about that trip except that the plane had 4 propellers.
My parents traveled across the mainland by car (Ford Fairlane station wagon) on at least a half dozen round trips which most likely cemented my love for travel. I am sure Route 66 still has our tire prints embedded in the road. Road trips are my favorite to this day and I have been to every state in America. Alaska was the last state.
I also spent most of my life (35 years) living in Hawaii on Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. I am what is called a local haole, if you know what that means. As a result of growing up in Hawaii, I also use words like pau and puka on a daily basis. So don’t be surprised if you encounter previously unknown words in my writing.
You are welcome to ask me any questions about Hawaii, but please don’t ask me questions about Maui. I never wanted to live there; too crowded with cars and people. I am more of a traveler than a tourist, but I know to pick up those tourist coupon books/maps whenever possible. No one can have too many free shopping bags.
I write with a sense of humor that can be facetious and/or sarcastic and sometimes subtle. Did you get the “cemented” reference above? I like to make people think and engage in verbal conversations they may have never had before they met me standing in line with them. And I am sometimes that guy who will say something in a crowded elevator … just because.
But, I am also a guy that will research something to death (I have been told) before I travel somewhere.
And unrelated to travel, I enjoy RPG’s with my favorite site being Aldorlea. This is the best site I have found that sells and supports RPG games. Indy, the owner, lives in France so there is an occasional time difference issue when communicating.
If you would like to see an extensive sample of my writing in my effort to help people enjoy and finish an RPG game, type Kimo Lange in your browser and look for a Steam Community link or use this direct link to the game walkthrough https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159779789. This free game “Legionwood: Tale of the Two Swords” is so difficult that I decided to write the walkthrough so people could finish the game as I had been able to finally do, but without giving away too much information so you would still be a bit surprised. You will see a lot of my writing is like that.
I also write occasional reviews on TripAdvisor under the user name of huhwhyn .
I enjoy helping people succeed and this blog is just an extension of trying to help others. I also help other people with their questions about winemaking. My qualifications are as a winery manager in Lodi, CA and successful completion of the U.C. Davis winemaking program. You will most likely see winemaking posts and pictures during harvest season.
With this rather lengthy chapter written, I hope you enjoy my writings and always feel free to become involved in any discussion. Trolls will be appropriately dealt with. Please don’t be a troll.